Classic Beach Day
The largest of the English-speaking Leeward Islands, Antigua is about 14 miles long and 11 miles wide, encompassing 108 square miles, it is mostly low lying with some volcanic areas.
There are 365 beaches on Antigua, one for each day of the year. The great majority rest inside the calm, protected waters of the island's Caribbean side. Located at Fryes Point on the west coast, Fryes Beach features powder white sand and affords great views of Montserrat on exceptionally clear days. This is one of the most beautiful and quiet beaches on Antigua.
Are you tempted yet? At the beach you can get active (or not) and participate in various water sports, go horseback riding, go on a hike or play on water slides. You can swim or relax in the calm, crystal clear water or take a short boat ride out to gorgeous Cades Reef for snorkeling (at your own expense). Beach chairs and shared umbrella are also included. Lunch and a non-alcoholic welcome drink are included.
Meanwhile, back on the beach, Mamma Nancy entertains you with poetry and other fun cultural activities. Be entertained with island music on steel pan or from a reggae band nearby, before your beach serenity concludes.
Soak up this beach day out and take picture after picture to record the memories of this special day.
Please Note: Many different activities are available to you while at the beach at your own expense. Make sure to bring cash with you if you plan to take part in any of the activities.